Part One
When I started this blog a short time ago it was my intention to bring through words of inspiration and love. My intention was to let what wanted to come through come through. It began at the time of the massacre in Newtown Connecticut and now I find myself with an unrelenting pull towards speaking words in response to the bombing at the Boston Marathon.
How disheartening it is in the wake of fear.
Dis-heart-en-ing= to take away the heart.
In a flash our hearts were disabled, we were left with shock and disbelief.
The choice to run and flee
or contain, hold and help.
Countless times throughout humanity we have witnessed power plays and group beliefs that differ extremely within the mindset of the greater whole, the larger population. It makes me think of Scott Peck’s book “The people of the Lie” which made a great impression on me and I’ve carried the concept of its message. From Al Qaeda, Nazi Germany, to white supremacists, to the Roman empire we have seen how different mindsets and belief systems demise our ability to simply love. We encapsulate ourselves in fear and ignorance. We are led to believe what the group believes, aligning with the prevalent thought. We see this everywhere within social groups, families ,politics, cultures, we bond in familiarity. We yield from standing separate from the pack to protect ourselves from rejection, loss, and isolation. We see this behavior within our individual social sphere, as well as globally. Our individual microcosm and the macrocosm. We kill each other mentally, emotionally, and physically often in the name of our version of God, our spirituality.
Two young impressionable men built bombs to kill as many people as possible, holding the belief system that they will be well rewarded in the afterlife. I speculate here, I am not in their minds, but am witness to the violence and hate of their action. OR the love of their God? What do you do with people that believe to kill people is good. There is so much we do not understand. What I do understand is life is precious, every person here is unique, every person here contains the divine. How do we reconcile acts of hate if we are all one. We need to look at ourselves, as a country, as a world, with heart and objectivity in regard to “we and they” mentality. We need to look at our own discourse within our own individual lives. We need to look at the actions of our nation within the discourse and differences within all cultures. We need to continue to choose love over fear and walk boldly, strongly with a gentle heart and know at a core level that to kill another is not the answer. But what you do when evil appears to stand in your path? Kill?
If we each contain a spark of source, of the divine than how can we reconcile killing another? Especially when it appears that it is to save innocent lives? Is it not the responsible thing to do to remove the violence? But what is the right way, the most loving way, the most safe way? Is it possible to live in peace and harmony?
I can only speak of this in fractions of time for it is difficult. I welcome your thoughts. I ask only that you breathe into your heart, speak from your heart.